Interior decoration in vintage style

Today we are going to talk about interior decoration in vintage style. Vintage style is actually the use of old objects in home decoration

  Hello dear friends of Digi Villa, today we are going to talk about a style of decoration. You can read the previous decorations such as classic, minimal, etc. in our previous blogs, but today we will show you another type of decoration. We considered vintage decoration, what kind of decoration do you think is called “vintage”? The use of old objects and appliances in vintage home decoration is called something like nostalgic style. Of course, it is better not to decorate the whole house with this style. You can use a series of special old appliances from 30 to 60 years ago. This type of decoration is for people. It is appropriate that they are interested in reminiscing and seeing the photos of old items gives them a pleasant feeling. To get to know more about this style, come with us.

● What is the style of vintage decoration?

● Explore the history of vintage style

● For whom is vintage decoration style suitable?

● Characteristics of vintage decoration style

What is the style of vintage decoration?

First, in order to better understand the concept of this style, it is better to look at the English meaning of this word (vintage). One of the definitions in the field of literature that is intended for this word, as mentioned above, is a group of objects. It is said that they were made in the past, with all these interpretations, we can conclude that the interior decorations that use old decorations and objects follow the vintage style. Generally, this style of interior decoration does not have any special rules and regulations for arrangement. You might think to yourself that the lack of rules and the use of old elements will create a boring environment for you, but this is not the case. You will find the use of antique and old objects in this style. is considered. In the vintage style, there are items that give an old and old feeling next to modern items, such as patina tables or vintage carpets and…

Checking the history of vintage style

In fact, the beginning of the vintage style has been assigned after the Second World War. They consider the reason for the emergence of this style to be the economic recession, which caused people to use old and damaged items. After some time in the 90s in Europe and America, new art movements have forced interior designers to use antiques and old things, and it was also welcomed in most European countries.

For whom is vintage decoration style suitable?

This style is suitable for people who are interested in reminiscing about the past, and seeing photos and special old items, such as a souvenir from their grandmother’s house, revives the memories of that era and conveys a pleasant feeling to them.

Features of vintage decoration style

Suitable colors in vintage style: In modern and contemporary homes, use white, gray, cream, beige and sand colors as the dominant color to make the vintage style more suitable. Also, the use of pale shades of pink, lilac, and blue can also be used in this style, and it should be mentioned that the use of accessories and decorations with red, yellow, orange, green, and water colors in this arrangement Decoration will guide. Let’s examine the material used in the vintage style together. One of the most popular materials used in the vintage style is wood, especially the wooden floor. Another material used is leather. You can see examples of this in furniture. It is better to use this style of old furniture. Usually, this type of furniture is made of wooden materials and rugs made with natural fibers in the form of engraving. Of course, due to the popularity of the vintage style in the furniture market, there is usually furniture with old designs. It should be said that if the wall is monochromatic, using floral rugs can give a special effect to the decoration. If you have wallpaper, you can also use Use simple rugs and use floral decorative cushions for more beauty. And also when choosing a carpet, old-fashioned or vintage carpets are also considered to be one of the trends in interior decoration, which are available in different designs, colors and dimensions in the market. It is better to remember this point when choosing curtains. Long hairs contribute to the beauty of this style, and finally, to maintain balance in this style, it is better to use new elements.

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